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Public Procurement Data Space
Harness the Power of Public Procurement Data



The indicators below provide generic information on public procurement in a way that is transparent and easy to understand and compare.

Like all indicators, however, they simplify reality. They are affected by country-specific factors such as what is actually being bought, the structure of the economies concerned, and the relationships between different tendering options, none of which are taken into account. In some cases, a large number of tenders below EU thresholds are published in TED. This publication is voluntary and considered a good practice, as it increases transparency for a significant part of the procurement not covered by the EU rules (for tenders below the EU thresholds, national rules apply, which nevertheless must respect the general principles of EU law). Moreover, some aspects of public procurement have been omitted entirely or covered only indirectly, e.g. corruption, the administrative burden and professionalism. Although the scoreboard provides useful information, it gives only a partial view of EU countries’ public procurement performance. As a result, the indicators should be interpreted carefully, ideally in the light of additional quantitative and qualitative information. Additionally, it is important to note that, for now, we only work with notices/notifications/eForms, which further limits the scope of the analysis by focusing on certain aspects of the procurement process while excluding others.

The data currently available for analysis spans multiple years and countries. It includes datasets for TED, covering the complete years from 2021 to 2024; Austria from 2017 to 2024; Germany, Finland, and Norway for 2023 and 2024. The data from all sources is being updated regularly for 2025 data.

Disclaimer: Our website went live on 24 September. It is now under gradual development and may contain inconsistencies. Please report any issues through the PPDS Gitlab  By using the PPDS, you acknowledge this disclaimer. Thank you for your cooperation.

Data Quality

The indicators below provide the results of several data quality issues assessed in the PPDS on the data collected from the different data sources.

Public Procurement Overview

The indicators below provide generic information on public procurement.


The indicators below measure the participation of bidders in the tendering processes, as well as elements that may foster or increase this participation.

Single bidder

Proportion of contracts awarded where there was just a single bidder.

Direct Awards

Proportion of procurement procedures awarded without any call for bids.

Strategic Procurement

The indicators below provide information related to strategic procurement.

SME participation

The indicators below measure the level of participation and of success of SME in the public procurement process

SME bids

Proportion of bids from small and medium-sized enterprises or SMEs.


The indicators below measure the level of efficiency of the public procurement procedures.

Joint procurement

Proportion of procurement procedures involving more than one public buyer.

Decision speed

Average decision-making period for the award of the contract.